Discover the Power of Patience and Persistence in Ho’oponopono
People often ask: 'I'm doing ho'oponopono daily, yet not improving. Am I doing something wrong?'
The Power of Ice Blue and Blue Solar Water in Ho’oponopono
Why blue, and water are such a powerful combination.
Embracing Your True Self: A Journey Through Ho’oponopono and the Power of Non-Dualism
The problem with knowing who you are is that the perceptual shift leaves you speechless. You must learn new vocabulary, and syntax.
Discovering the Healing Power of Ho’oponopono: Correcting Errors and Restoring Health
Only Creative Divinity has the power to correct errors. This is Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len's description of how it is done.
The Power of CEEPORT®: Using Vortices to Clear Toxic Memories
CEEPORT stands for Clean, Erase, Erase until you reach the PORT. The PORT is the Zero State-the state of pure potential.
Discover the Power of Ho’oponopono with the Blue Bottle
The blue bottle is the very first concrete cleaning tool suggested by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len.