An interpretation of time.
Advaita,  Cleaning Methods,  Ho'oponopono

The Timeless Wisdom of Ho’oponopono: Understanding The Depth Beyond The Mantra

When someone mentions ho’oponopono, the first thought for many is the well-known mantra: ‘I’m sorry, thank you, please forgive me, I love you.’ But ho’oponopono is not a mere collection of words – it’s a philosophy, a lens through which to view the world, an art of living. This article attempts to peel back the layers and offer an insightful journey into this profound practice.

The Mirage of Time:

Time is a slippery concept. Our lives are structured by it, with past regrets and future anxieties often overshadowing our present. But dive deeper into ho’oponopono’s teachings, and you’ll encounter a refreshing perspective: that the past and the future are mere illusions, and all we genuinely have is this very moment. Mathematicians might assert the existence of dimensions beyond our simple 3D world. But regardless of where you stand on this, ho’oponopono emphasizes the eternal nature of the ‘now’ and the importance of grounding oneself in the present, often using breathing as a focal point.

Direct Experience vs. Accumulating Knowledge:

Reality constantly nudges us to take our experiences seriously. Still, ho’oponopono subtly shifts our focus from a relentless quest for knowledge to the richness of direct experience. Animals, in their immediate and instinctual existence, exemplify this approach. They don’t grapple with existential questions but live fully in the moment. This isn’t a call to abandon intellectual pursuits but an invitation to balance our thirst for knowledge with the beauty of uninterpreted, raw experiences, much like we had in childhood.

The Game of Life:

Life, ho’oponopono suggests, is akin to a game. And just as a chess master focuses on the present move rather than the game’s history, we should navigate life with a present-centered consciousness. If we remain fixated on the origins and mysteries of life, we risk missing out on playing the game itself. Just as in video games like the Matrix or Minecraft, our reality is shaped by our beliefs. Techniques like visualization can help mold this reality. Still, they can also generate karmic-data – lingering consequences or attachments – unless approached with clarity and intentionality.

Ho’oponopono, Karmic-Data, and the Law of Attraction:

At this juncture, let’s address a common misconception. Many align ho’oponopono with practices like the Law of Attraction. While there are parallels, notably in the shaping of reality through belief and intention, ho’oponopono primarily seeks to cleanse karmic-data. It’s not just about attracting what you desire but also addressing, cleansing, and purifying residual energetic patterns.

A Return to Simplicity:

Remember the days of childhood? The world was vibrant, every sensory input was a marvel, and moments were experienced without the weight of judgments. Ho’oponopono encourages this return to simplicity. The practice isn’t about nullifying thought but ensuring that thought doesn’t become a barrier. Traditional exercises like ‘The Ha’ – a breathing technique – are introduced as gateways to this heightened state of awareness.

The Escape

In a world teeming with distractions of our own making, the spiritual discipline of ho’oponopono offers a refreshing escape into the essence of the present moment. It reminds us that beneath the labyrinth of our thoughts and emotions lies a simple, profound truth – that the present is all there is. So, whenever life’s cacophony threatens to drown your inner peace, remember to ‘clean like crazy’ using ho’oponopono’s tools, grounding yourself in the eternal now.

N.B. For those new to the practice, always approach breathing exercises like ‘The Ha’ with caution, especially if you have existing respiratory conditions.

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  • Denise

    Hello Stephen,
    I recently studied Dolores Cannon’s QHHT technique and after learned that earthbound spirits and dark entities can attach to people, thus rendering the technique to be useless and ineffective if one of those spirits is communicating through the subject. Please tell me if you have any information on how ho’oponopono or an advanced practice of it can help someone who might have these attachments and if the releasing of them gets rid of them permanently. By permanently, I mean they don’t just hop to someone else. I have read that Catholic priests performing exorcists can cause them release from the subject but do not effectively rid the earth realm from them. I am new to these concepts and since discovering Ho’oponopono (after I learned of the above), I would like to use Ho’O to accomplish the releasing and help others if I may. I hope this makes sense.

    • Stephen

      Hi Denise, Thank you for your question. Are you suffering with earthbound spirits, or is this something you’ve read about? There is a huge difference.

      The traditional Hawaiians knew lots about this. Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len writes of earthbound spirits causing lavatories to flush and other phenomena to occur when he worked on the psychiatric unit for the criminally insane at Hawaii State Hospital. Similarly, his teacher Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona spoke at length about the release of earthbound spirits during her last public lecture. Dr. Hew Len does NOT recommend looking for trouble, so if you’ve no karmic connection with a place, or spirit he wouldn’t recommend seeking one out. More details of Morrnah’s work in this area may be found here: and several more that are directly applicable to your question. Just click on the channel heading: Morrnah Simeona’s Ho’oponopono – to pick out the ones you need.

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