Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Unveiling the Spectrum: Understanding Ho’oponopono and the Power of Rainbow Symbolism

In the radiant realm of ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian healing technique, the dance of vibrational energies forms a harmonious ballet across the spectrum of consciousness. This article ventures into the symbolic world of Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, the revered native Hawaiian healer and kahuna lapaʻau who embraced the potency of the rainbow in her teachings. We will uncover the profound meanings behind these beautiful natural phenomena, unveiling the ways they can be used as a protective emblem, to shield and safeguard our loved ones even from afar.

Immersing ourselves in the captivating tapestry of ho’oponopono, we first understand that its transformative effects transcend the plane of human consciousness. This isn’t a simple mental shift akin to hypnosis; rather, ho’oponopono utilizes the subconscious as a gateway, a mystical portal to ascend to loftier realms of consciousness. It’s important to grasp that the ho’oponopono psyche, as depicted by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, isn’t bounded rigidly. Instead, consciousness, subconsciousness, superconsciousness, and Divinity exist as fluid vibrational energies, overlapping, intermingling, with no clear delineations.

The Psyche
The Psyche (as described by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len)

These seemingly complex components can be visualized as spectral gradients, fading in and out of each other. The pinnacle of the subconscious melts into a pre-conscious state, brushing the boundaries of our active consciousness. Descending into the subconscious, we delve into the cryptic abyss, the unconscious depths that border realms untold.

The superconscious, akin to a colossal cosmic expanse in the schema of our individual awareness, diffuses into our bond with Divinity. While represented by a simple triangle, the superconscious is vast and profound, embodying the immensity of the universe in relation to us.

Now, let’s explore the luminous symbol of the rainbow within the wisdom of ho’oponopono. Morrnah’s teachings relay a captivating tale of an aircraft doused in the vibrant hues of a mental rainbow. The audience member, worried about a loved one’s journey, had forgotten to colour the landing gear, which subsequently malfunctioned upon arrival, luckily with no injuries. Herein, the rainbow unveils itself as an ethereal shield within ho’oponopono, a divine armour painted by imagination and belief.

The rainbow, as Morrnah’s prayer elucidates, is Divinity’s bow cast across the waters. It represents the sublime, the “I” beyond the “self” that consciousness identifies with the corporeal form. The rainbow, therefore, becomes a beacon of protection, of transcendence beyond daily mundanity, and an emblem of the divine.

Nevertheless, to harness the rainbow’s protective essence, one must see it with the mind’s eye. It’s not about physically sketching it or memorizing a childhood illustration; rather, it’s about imagining it at a superconscious level, allowing its ethereal beauty to seep into your being. Through this envisioned symbolism, we realize ho’oponopono’s healing potential, discovering a sacred world where rainbows shield us, and the dance of consciousness, superconsciousness, and Divinity coalesce into a symphony of spiritual transformation.

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