A stylised image of Dr. Hew len
Cleaning Methods,  Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Navigating the Ocean of Life: Unraveling the Ho’oponopono Technique

Have you ever wondered how a ship, despite being hit by waves from all sides, stays its course? It’s not magic, but the result of a diligent captain, unwavering in his navigation. Let’s embark on a similar journey in understanding the fascinating Ho’oponopono technique, originally taught by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len.

The Ho’oponopono technique is like a magical compass, guiding us through life’s waves. It’s a captivating journey that Dr. Hew Len undertook for nearly four years at the Hawaii State Hospital. But remember, he wasn’t the only sailor on this ship; many others chipped in with their contributions.

Now, let’s look into the heart of this method. Picture yourself in a quiet room. The only sound is the gentle rhythm of these four phrases that you’re repeating:

I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You, I Love You.You can whisper them softly or let them echo in your mind, the choice is yours. These phrases, sometimes referred to as ‘The Mantra,’ form the core of the Ho’oponopono technique. They’re like the North Star of a sailor, guiding him through the darkest nights, providing comfort and direction. And guess what? You can find many wonderful renditions of this mantra on YouTube!

While the journey with Ho’oponopono seems like a rainbow-lit path, it’s not always an easy one. Just as a ship has to navigate through storms, the process can be challenging, and may require other Ho’oponopono techniques as well.

Let’s talk about some interesting and quirky tools used in Ho’oponopono, called the ‘cleaning tools’. Imagine cleaning your inner self with… hot chocolate and multicoloured chocolate beans! Or picture yourself sipping on ‘Blue Bottle Water‘, ordinary water that has been left in a deep blue bottle under the sun for at least an hour. Fascinating, right? But remember, every sailor’s kit is different; not every tool may work for everyone.

Now, picture yourself at a gathering. With Ho’oponopono, you can ‘clean’ any negative energies simply by repeating ‘erase’ or the four phrases while using a rubber eraser on the attendee list. Intriguing, isn’t it?

Ho’oponopono, translating to ‘correct an error‘, traces back to the Polynesians, master navigators of the Pacific Ocean. This ancient technique initially served as a compass to mend tribal differences, and later, became a form of family therapy.

The principle is simple: we err when we forget who we truly are. Missteps and misdirection often happen when we lose sight of our true nature. The full Ho’oponopono technique, akin to a diligent Kahuna guiding a ship through a storm, can help realign these energies and navigate us back to our authentic selves, especially in intricate situations like property disputes.

So there you have it, the fascinating journey of Ho’oponopono! It’s a compass, a guiding star, and a sailor’s diligent effort to stay the course, all bundled into one. It’s a magical method that’s as compelling as the journey of navigating the vast ocean under the star-lit sky. Happy navigating!

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