Someone looking at the stars
Ho'oponopono,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

The Mystery of Divinity: Unveiling the Secrets of Ho’oponopono and the Universe

Have you ever heard someone say ‘I will ask the universe’ or ‘The universe will always be there for me’? It’s a popular phrase, but did you know that it’s not exactly true? Let’s explore this concept a bit more through the lens of the Hawaiian discipline of ho’oponopono.

First of all, it’s important to understand that Divinity, the Superconscious, the Subconscious, and Consciousness are all one system. From our limited perspective, this can be complicated, but it’s important to know ‘who you are’.

An Hawaiian symbol for a person as described by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona
An Hawaiian symbol for a person as described by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

In ho’oponopono, Creative Divinity is the term used to describe the source of everything. It’s all that was, is, or ever can be, as well as the potential for infinite other things. This is what some people refer to as ‘God’, but it’s important to note that Creative Divinity is impersonal and not something we can directly ask for things.

Now, let’s talk about ‘The Universe’. When people say they will ask the universe or that the universe will provide for them, they’re actually referring to a small part of ‘What Is’. The universe is a result of that which you ask, or that which protects you.

🌟 First, we need to understand the differences between the universe and Divinity: The universe is a part of our physical life, like rocks and trees.

Divinity is the source of everything that was, is, or ever can be, as well as the potential for infinite other things.

🌟 In ho’oponopono, Divinity, the Superconscious, the Subconscious, and Consciousness are all part of one system:

Morrnah Simeona taught that knowing “who you are” is important.

She believed that Hawaiian children were taught about their true selves from an early age.

🌟 Morrnah’s ho’oponopono ritual was designed to correct errors and return us to a state of Zero, or harmony:

Morrnah would say, “Divine Creator, Father, Mother, Child as ONE.”

The mother energy represents our conscious awareness, but it’s only a small part of us.

🌟 When we speak of “the universe,” we’re only referring to a small part of “What Is”:

We like to be in control, but we actually know very little.

Our conscious part is filtered by our subconscious inner-child, which shields us from the Superconscious and has access to Divinity.

🌟 In ho’oponopono, we don’t ask Divinity for help directly, because Divinity is impersonal:
Instead, we go through our subconscious inner-child.

Pie Chart depicting how little we know.
We know very little, yet like to be in control.

So, why talk about Creative Divinity rather than the universe?

In ho’oponopono, we don’t ask for Divinity to provide for us directly because Divinity is impersonal. Instead, we communicate with our subconscious inner child, which shields us from the superconscious or collective unconscious, which has access to Divinity itself.

Here’s an example to help explain this concept. Imagine you’re planting a garden. You don’t ask the soil for the plants to grow, but rather you take care of the soil and give it what it needs to help the plants grow. Similarly, in ho’oponopono, we don’t ask the universe for things, but rather we take care of our subconscious inner child and communicate with it in a particular way to help manifest what we require to fulfil our tasks.

Here are the key points to remember:

🌟Divinity, the Superconscious, the Subconscious, and Consciousness are all one system.

🌟Creative Divinity is the source of everything, but it’s impersonal and not something we can directly ask for things.

🌟‘The Universe’ is part of the physical manifestation of our life, as is a rock, or a tree.

🌟In ho’oponopono, we communicate with our subconscious inner child to manifest what we need.

Remember, ho’oponopono is a discipline that takes practice and patience. By understanding the connection between Divinity, the universe, and our subconscious inner child, we can learn to navigate this system and create a full and fulfilling life.

The Divine magic of ho’oponopono awaits!

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