Discover the Power of Patience and Persistence in Ho’oponopono
People often ask: 'I'm doing ho'oponopono daily, yet not improving. Am I doing something wrong?'
Dreaming with Open Eyes: Ho’oponopono and the Real Law of Attraction
How Real Is Real? If we can change our worlds through a few actions, is it really objective?
The Power of Ice Blue and Blue Solar Water in Ho’oponopono
Why blue, and water are such a powerful combination.
- Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, Dr. Joe Vitale, Ho'oponopono, Kamailelauli'I Rafaelovich, Mabel Katz, Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona
Discovering Your Inner Self: Morrnah Simeona’s Legacy and the Evolution of Ho’oponopono
There is confusion about ho'oponopono, and the parts played by Morrnah Simeona and others. This brief article seeks to clarify some things.
Discovering the Healing Power of Ho’oponopono: Correcting Errors and Restoring Health
Only Creative Divinity has the power to correct errors. This is Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len's description of how it is done.
The Enchanting World of Fairies and Ho’oponopono: A Tale of Connection and Understanding
An exploration of cleaning within the context of natural and spiritual awareness.
The Magic of Erasers in Ho’oponopono: A Simple Tool for Transforming Your Life
An eraser may be used to delete a karmic connection between you and a person in a photograph, or a name on a list.
Ho’oponopono and The Law of Attraction
Ho'oponopono has become confused with The Law of Attraction This post explains what each is, and why they are different.
The Power of CEEPORT®: Using Vortices to Clear Toxic Memories
CEEPORT stands for Clean, Erase, Erase until you reach the PORT. The PORT is the Zero State-the state of pure potential.
Discover the Power of Ho’oponopono with the Blue Bottle
The blue bottle is the very first concrete cleaning tool suggested by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len.